DRM drives ahead with automotive forum
The consortium’s third annual India Automotive Infotainment Forum takes place virtually on Sept. 28
Breaking News
The research shows radio reaches up to 90% of the population in key markets
Broadcast industry vet Rich Redmond joins in
Einar Logi Vignisson on how Iceland’s public broadcaster stays adaptable, supports local music and maintains strong ad revenues
It is aimed at radio manufacturers, regulators and broadcasters
Technology, implementation progress and more to be discussed
The goal is to enhance ad targeting for audio streams
The consortium’s third annual India Automotive Infotainment Forum takes place virtually on Sept. 28
The DRM Consortium will run series of new trials on Aug. 10–11 from the Woofferton transmitting station in the United Kingdom
DRM Chairman Ruxandra explains how digital radio has gotten another chance, as life post-COVID has completely changed the radio landscape
The virtual AGM attracted 80 participants from over 15 countries
The virtual AGM has two sessions, one open, and the other for DRM members only.
Presentation and workshops include technically advanced updates
The modern electric automobile will encourage longer radio listening, as the driver and passengers will potentially be spending time more time in the car
The event showcased the practical advances of DRM in various parts of the world
DRM is going hybrid with two intertwining events under the overarching theme “DRM — Smart Radio Accessible to All.”
The pandemic is yet to be over but we need to find a long-term solution to help bridge the digital divide
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