SwissRadioDay24 announces more speakers
The event, in Zurich and online, is on Aug. 29
Breaking News
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The research shows radio reaches up to 90% of the population in key markets
Broadcast industry vet Rich Redmond joins in
Einar Logi Vignisson on how Iceland’s public broadcaster stays adaptable, supports local music and maintains strong ad revenues
It is aimed at radio manufacturers, regulators and broadcasters
Technology, implementation progress and more to be discussed
The event, in Zurich and online, is on Aug. 29
The organizers are encouraging attendees to involve younger staff in the event
The show takes place in Zurich on Aug. 29
The event is celebrating its 25th anniversary
Webb is deputy director of radio at Monocle
The Futuri Media CEO will explain how RadioGPT is revolutionizing the radio landscape
The Swiss event, dedicated to the country’s radio industry, will take place in Zurich on Aug. 31
Registration is free for the annual event in August
It is the only event devoted to radio that's open to representatives of all of Switzerland's linguistic regions.
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