Edita Kudlacova, head of radio, European Broadcasting Union, joins the list of prominent speakers for this year’s WorldDAB Summit on Nov. 9. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CET. [Time zone converter]
The big question for everyone at the summit will probably be how radio can remain number one in an increasingly digital world — both at home and in the car. Top experts from around the globe will be on call to share what they’re working on to address the challenges facing the radio industry today.
Other speakers scheduled for the summit include Karel Zýka, technical and administrative director and head of Czech radio’s DAB switchover; Krystyna Roslan-Kuhn from Poland’s National Broadcasting Council; René Wehrlin, project manager of digitization and convergence of Ofcom Switzerland; and Tigran Vržina, chief technical advisor with Croatia’s OIV.
The live and interactive platform will allow delegates to engage with speakers via a Q&A function.
The summit is free to attend and is open to non-members and members. You can register here.