WorldDAB Summit 2024: Radio unites for the future
The Zagreb Summit saw commercial and public broadcasters collaborate on broadcast radio's digital future
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The research shows radio reaches up to 90% of the population in key markets
Broadcast industry vet Rich Redmond joins in
Einar Logi Vignisson on how Iceland’s public broadcaster stays adaptable, supports local music and maintains strong ad revenues
It is aimed at radio manufacturers, regulators and broadcasters
Technology, implementation progress and more to be discussed
The goal is to enhance ad targeting for audio streams
The Zagreb Summit saw commercial and public broadcasters collaborate on broadcast radio's digital future
Lessons from Europe’s FM switch-off plans show that a unified approach is crucial for transition
The annual event kicked off with an awards ceremony and educational session at the Tesla Museum
The Summit is on Thursday, Nov. 14
Registration for the event on Nov. 8 in Munich and online is now open
The event will take place in Munich and online
The Summit is on Nov. 8, in Munich and online
Radio "remains royalty" in the car
The annual WorldDAB summit, which takes place in London and online on Thursday Nov. 17, features 22 speakers across 17 sessions
The summit has a session dedicated to DAB in the car
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