If you want to know about several of the Telos Alliance’s most recent product introductions, well, they’d love to tell you about them in Feb. 5 webinar, 10 a.m. EST/4 p.m. CET.
It will be hosted by the always entertaining Kirk Harnack and some of his friends from Telos. Kirk is a radio station owner himself so he can offer an on-point perspective.
The subjects will be StudioEdge, StudioCore and Core Soft.
Telos provides the details: “StudioEdge, the high-capacity AoIP I/O device that’s perfect for local, in-studio audio connections and source switching, and mass audio ingest in TOCs and rack rooms.
StudioCore, the all-new integrated mixing engine for Axia iQ, Radius, RAQ and DESQ mixing surfaces. Designed for studios of all sizes, with tons of I/O, an onboard Ethernet switch, USB file player, and much more.
Core Soft, the HTML5-based remote control that makes remote mixing with a StudioCore engine as easy as using a touchscreen.”
Register here. There is a post-webinar view-on-demand option for those who can’t make it.
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