RedTech Summit 2024 embraces collaborative ethos
The event produced significant strategic insights
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The research shows radio reaches up to 90% of the population in key markets
Broadcast industry vet Rich Redmond joins in
Einar Logi Vignisson on how Iceland’s public broadcaster stays adaptable, supports local music and maintains strong ad revenues
It is aimed at radio manufacturers, regulators and broadcasters
Technology, implementation progress and more to be discussed
The goal is to enhance ad targeting for audio streams
The event produced significant strategic insights
It’s exciting to experiment with AI in radio, but decisions have consequences
M&I Broadcast Services opens North American office.
In the tussle to command the in-car experience, Xperi’s DTS AutoStage entertainment platform for the connected car is purposely designed and managed to the advantage of radio broadcasters
After an essential frequency reallocation project, Malawi has simplified and disciplined its FM allocation and freed up frequencies for new stations, but not everyone is happy
New cars today offer internet connectivity and a dizzying array of audio entertainment options; it’s important to ensure radio remains an easy-to-find favorite
“Have a dream and stop at nothing pursuing it. Then, have passion, drive and love for what you do — failure is not an option”
Zimbabwe may have a progressive constitution, but cultural discrimination against women is deep-rooted; community stations have a significant role in changing that, and staff training is critical
The Low Countries continue to invest in media education — in Netherlands and Belgium, universities have opened new studio facilities catering to a new generation of A/V professionals
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