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Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Frontier Smart Technologies designs and manufactures chips and modules for the DAB/DAB+ radio markets.
In 2020, Frontier launched the SmartRadio logo program, which aims to highlight the benefits of SmartRadio devices. At the heart of the program is the SmartRadio logo, which marks products that provide access to radio stations through analog (FM), digital (DAB+) and over the internet (Wi-Fi). A product must support all three modes of access in order to use the logo.
As the program celebrated its one-year anniversary, the company reported the continued success of the initiative, noting that more than 20 new products are now in the market that bear the SmartRadio logo. In a study commissioned by Frontier in October, 9% of participants said that they are very familiar and 25% said that they are fairly familiar with the SmartRadio product category.
The radio industry is seeing increasing demand from consumers who want to upgrade their radio experience with more content while keeping the simplicity of broadcast radio, observed Frontier. The company said that more consumers are choosing to trade up when purchasing a digital radio so that they can take advantage of the wide range of Internet radio stations, podcasts and music streaming services.
“Frontier believes in the benefits and is aligned with the aims of the SmartRadio logo program,” said Prem Rajalingham, joint managing director, Commercial, at Frontier. “By educating consumers we can spread the benefits of this simple yet powerful product category.”