GatesAir appoints Tamjeed Ahmad regional sales manager for South Asia
Telos Alliance is hosting a webinar under the banner ‘Container University 101’ titled ‘Why broadcasters are moving to standardized IT infrastructure’ on Jan. 12, 2022, at 1 p.m. EST (7 p.m. CET).
The company says the webinar will cover:
- How software containers take broadcast infrastructure to the next level.
- Why containers are proven reliable technology that’s right for broadcast operations today.
- How radio and TV stations are deploying the same technologies as Spotify, Yelp, eBay, Expedia, Groupon, ING, PayPal, Shopify, Uber and thousands of other Fortune 500 companies
And, yes, it’ll also probably explain the whole ‘container’ thing.
You can register for this event here.