GatesAir appoints Tamjeed Ahmad regional sales manager for South Asia
RedTech Awards 2024 celebrate technical innovation and excellence
They are a calm and authoritative assessment of the new ideas shaping audio broadcasting technology
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Among the WorldDAB highlights at the show is a presentation on the DAB+ Automatic Safety Alert
The session takes place Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. CET
Ahmad will represent GatesAir in India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka
The president and CEO of Krantz Media Group passed away on Jan. 21 at the age of 65
German music and sound contractor KeuleSound has refitted its remote/OB truck with Genelec speakers
The company is upgrading its Cobalt line with an additional power supply
They are a calm and authoritative assessment of the new ideas shaping audio broadcasting technology
Discover this year’s winning products within the radio and digital audio space
Eight products recognized for their significant technological innovation within the radio and digital audio space
Check out some of the most innovative products and technologies available now that are helping industry professionals do their jobs each day
Takes place from Jan 18-22 and includes RedTech awards
Virtual event is free and celebrates radio and digital audio with keynotes, roundtables and awards
All winners will be honored during our joint RedTech and La Lettre Pro Radio Week, held online in Jan.
Will donate 10% of proceeds to industry-related charity cause
RedTech International SAS
250 bis boulevard Saint-Germain
75007 Paris,