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This fall, the Hochschule Darmstadt — University of Applied Sciences in Germany replaced its traditional on-campus welcome event for first-year students with a live broadcast. Broadcast students at h_da used a Riedel MediorNet real-time network, Artist digital matrix intercom system and Bolero wireless intercom to produce the multi-location program.
“For the past 10 years, it has been our tradition to welcome new students with a big live event at the Staatstheater Darmstadt. This is not just about conveying information, but about forging an emotional bond and showcasing the size and diversity of the university,” said Martin Wünderlich-Dubsky, media relations officer at h_da.
“With this year’s special program, we were able to achieve all this — and more — in a safe and physically distanced manner. As a bonus, the high production value of the program meant we were able to reach a significantly larger audience.”
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the university gave their broadcast students a hands-on opportunity to produce a live television program to replace the in-person event. The final program involved an interdisciplinary crew of more than 60 student video specialists.
The Riedel MediorNet infrastructure consisted of six MetroN decentralized routers, four MediorNet Compact stageboxes and two MicroN high-density signal interface configured with the MicroN MultiViewer app. For team communications, an Artist-64 digital matrix intercom mainframe equipped with AES67 cards supported up to 20 Bolero wireless beltpacks. An RSP-2318 SmartPanel leveraged the MediorNet Control App to provide agile routing and control of audio and video signals transported across the MediorNet network.
This Riedel configuration enabled the production to go live from five main locations: the main set in a café, an outdoor set, a 14th floor office via IT network (using the Bolero intercom in standalone mode), a set in the Staatstheater Darmstadt, and a Zoom interview with the mayor of Dieburg, Germany.
“With its decentralized approach, MediorNet is ideally suited to remote productions that can enable teams to work safely while also maintaining world-class production standards. We are very happy to be able to support the next generation of broadcasters and help enable students to gain experience in a highly professional environment,” said Andreas Mohnke, account manager at Riedel.
“Facilitated by the Riedel equipment, this was a real television program — and our student team mastered all of the challenges with extreme professionalism,” added Felix Krückels, professor of Broadcast Production and System Design at h_da. “Hopefully the reason for this remote production, the pandemic, won’t happen again, but at the same time, it opened up lots of new possibilities to expand our students’ real-world broadcast experience.”