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The BBC and Encompass have been testing the distribution of audio, text and graphics over DRM for the DRM education project test transmission.
Transmitted via a shortwave RIZ transmitter that was upgraded with RFmondial’s DRM Exciter LVe, the public test proved the suitability of DRM as a distribution platform for audio, text and graphics to parts of the world where the internet is not available.
RFmondial’s digital broadcast exciter is tuneable within the LW, MW and SW frequency bands as well as in VHF. In a joint project with experts at Encompass’ Woofferton transmitting station in the United Kingdom, RFmondial integrated its Exciter LVe into the RIZ control system in a way that ensured that not only were the demanding performance requirements of DRM met, but also pure analogue and simulcast transmissions.
Both companies are planning to upgrade other transmitters with RFmondial’s broadcast exciter, which can be integrated with a variety of transmitters such as Transradio, Thomson, and Continental Electronics.