Noise Nest is a Los Angeles-based production complex owned by drummer, producer and entrepreneur Nick Gross. As part of an expansion effort, it grew to five recording studios equipped with PMC monitoring. PMC is a United Kingdom-based manufacturer of loudspeaker systems.
The facility chose PMC’s flagship QB1-A in-wall main monitors for its recently opened Studio A. Its other four studios use a mixture of PMC IB1S-A, twotwo.6 and twotwo.8 monitors for nearfield duties.
Located in Hollywood’s media district, Noise Nest started out 10 years ago as a songwriting and recording space for Gross’ own projects. It gained a reputation for being a highly creative space to work, drawing other artists to book time there.
As the business grew enough to need more space, Gross expanded to the building next door. Over three years, he transformed it into a three-studio complex with lounges, kitchens, basketball courts, parking and other amenities. Two new studios were built in the existing building, bringing the total to five.
“Noise Nest is now a multipurpose, multiuse content factory. While music remains at the core of what we do, we also create content for many of the other projects we are involved in, and we host a lot of our internal publishing and label clients who get to use the space for free,” Gross said.
“We wanted to capture the feel of old recording studios, but at the same time marry that with all the advantages of modern digital equipment,” Gross explained. “Our main consoles include a split analog API 1608 in Studio A and an SSL Nucleus in Studio B. We also have a Slate Raven system and some really good analog outboard equipment that includes classic pieces from Neve and SSL.”
“Artists like it here because it’s a fun place to work and the atmosphere is very creative,” he added. “It’s taken a long time to get the place to this level, but we are really thrilled with what we have achieved — and rightly proud of it.”