Munich radio station Gong 96.3 is gaining reinforcement in content creation with the arrival of Konrad Schwarz, the former head of program design at Antenne Bayern. As CCO, the 44-year-old Schwarz will play a key role in shaping Gong 96.3’s content strategy. He will also be responsible for expanding the online audio reach and the strategies of associate DAB+ stations 089Kult and Gong 96.3 in Ingolstadt.

Gong 96.3 program director Matthias Ulrich said, “I look forward to working with Konrad. We have worked together in the past, and I greatly appreciate his expertise, especially in on-air promotion and program design.”
Gong 96.3 CEO Johannes Ott said, “With Konrad, we have gained an accomplished radio producer with a wealth of experience. Together with Matthias, he will ensure that Gong 96.3 continues to broadcast relevant content on all channels to get people in Munich and the region excited about the brand.”