GatesAir appoints Tamjeed Ahmad regional sales manager for South Asia
When smartphones first took hold of our lives, there was a famous saying heralding their functionality: “There’s an app for that.” We look at broadcast radio and digital audio technology with a similar eye: There’s a solution for that. Technology is a solutions-driven endeavor, and the people behind it love few things more than breaking problem barriers.
In this edition of “The Solutioneers,” we profile companies that are champions of doing just that and are creators of technology the broadcast radio and digital audio technology sector needs as it bashes against the bulwarks that necessitate evolution.
We also shine light on two significant personalities of the radio broadcast industry, and neither of them is behind the mic — they’re far more valuable. They’re two leaders who have had a remarkable impact on our industry and, in breaking problem barriers, earned significant insights, sometimes the hard way. What they tell us may seem, at times, counterintuitive.
List a challenge facing your business and someone has imagined a solution. Notably, that challenge and its solution are shared, and not just in your neck of the woods but on the other side of the world. And we should know. We’ve included a map showing RedTech’s worldwide reach. We set out to be a global connector for the broadcast radio and digital audio technology sector, and we’re breaking barriers too.
Feel free to reach out to us with any challenges you are having for the next issue, and we’ll see if there is indeed a solution for that.
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