German Catholic multimedia broadcaster DOMRADIO.DE is emerging as a key client of audio encoder vendor Ferncast GmbH and Cologne-based system integrator G&L Geißendörfer & Leschinsky GmbH.
DOMRADIO.DE, operated by the Bildungswerk e.V. of the archdiocese Cologne for the past 20 years, reports on daily news and Christian, ethical and social topics. One of the ways DOMRADIO.DE makes its programs available is as an internet radio stream with two bandwidths using the audio distribution platform RNDFNK, which G&L also uses for the distribution of internet radio programs of public broadcasters.
Ferncast equipped DOMRADIO.DE with aixtream in 2020 through G&L. The broadcaster now processes its programs with aixtream, and G&L ensures its long-term maintenance with 24/7 support. G&L considers the customizable “PIPE Concept” one of the main advantages of aixtream because of the flexibility it adds to configuration.
Alexander Leschinsky, managing director of G&L Geißendörfer & Leschinsky, says, “This project allowed us to use the exceptionally flexible and reliable aixtream encoders from Ferncast for an enthusiastic customer and allow them to share their radio program and their message, which they create with the greatest devotion — in the best quality — with Cologne, Germany and the whole world.”