In celebrating World Radio Day 2024 on Feb. 13, Australian commercial radio stations championed radio’s continued global potency in attracting and keeping mass audiences while maintaining trust and entertaining people.
“Radio is the most innovative and immediate media in Australia, and it has continually grown and evolved to suit the needs of its audience,” said Ford Ennals, CEO of industry body Commercial Radio & Audio, during the day’s celebrations. “On World Radio Day, we’d like to thank the thousands of people working in the industry, dedicated to ensuring that radio delivers entertainment, trusted news, emergency broadcasts, music, and connection to millions of Australians listening across the nation,” Ennals added.
According to the CRA, through profound changes in society, economic shifts and technological transformation, radio has stood the test of time, and the Australian commercial radio industry continues to thrive. It added that commercial radio provides 7,000 full-time equivalent jobs across a range of expertise, with over 2,000 employed in regional areas, contributes AU$1 billion to GDP, provides 1.1 million hours of Australian content, and broadcasts 2,200 hours of emergency service content annually.
“For 100 years, commercial radio has made an invaluable contribution to Australia’s culture, sense of community and economy, and, as today’s World Radio Day acknowledges, the best is yet to come,” Ennals said.
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