To commemorate the 75th anniversary of VRT Radio 2’s regional channel in Limburg, Belgium, the station has been exploring its history through a series of podcasts.
In the podcast series “Bij leven en welzijn” (In life and well-being), interviewer Daan Masset talked to radio icons from the Limburg regional radio center’s past. The podcasts ran from March 21–25 and included interviews, the history of the station and some legendary stories.

The series kicked off with Luc Verschueren and Dirk Somers, the station’s most popular radio duo who hosted the Sunday ‘Sportcafé’ radio show. Next came presenter/producer Michel Ilsen. Tom Vossen, who was the channel’s music programmer, selected tracks from over 100,000 albums and early recordings from artists like Jacques Brel.
Other personalities in the podcasts included presenter Luk de Laat, comedian-presenter Armand Schreurs and former Thursday-morning presenter Rita Jaenen. Dirk Reynders, a regional news reporter with Radio 2 Limburg, talked about 36 years of radio news, from the early magnetic tapes to the digital content.
“For 75 years, the Hasselt-based Radio 2 team has kept a finger on the pulse. Together with a team of local reporters, the channel continues to offer a wide range of news stories and interaction with the audience,” said Rino Ver Eecke, channel manager at Radio 2. “Radio 2 has studios in each of the Flemish provinces, allowing our teams to zoom in on local events and activities.”
Else Van de Sijpe, radio and audio manager with VRT, added, “The strong link between Radio 2 and the digital news app is part of the transition we are looking at for the future: more news and more tailor-made stories for the audience.”
You can find out more about the podcasts here and listen to them here.