Podomatic, a podcast services provider since 2005, has partnered with Player FM, a top-10 podcast app. The partnership gives podcast creators on Podomatic’s hosting service the ability to reach millions of new listeners on Player FM with a one-click submission to the Player FM podcast directory. The partners are also working to provide creators access to reporting and analytics about their listenership on Player FM.
Player FM will also integrate the thousands of active podcasts and millions of media files hosted on Podomatic into their cross-platform mobile app, which is available worldwide on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
“Adding support for Player FM is a major expansion of our distribution platform, allowing our creators to reach an even larger audience,” said Podomatic founder Johnny Mansour. “Player FM offers a powerful, cross-platform experience for discovering and listening to podcasts, that continues our commitment to help our podcasters reach the widest audience possible.”
The companies noted in a press release that podcasting has emerged as somewhat of an equalizer in the media landscape, empowering everyday people to reach the same caliber of audiences as a major broadcast network. It has also become an increasingly popular form of media consumption in the United States. Consumer data firm, Statista estimates the number of Americans listening to podcasts will eclipse 100 million by 2024, an increase from 75.9 million in 2020.
“Partnering with a hosting platform like Podomatic, whose goal is to expand the reach of independent creators, further enhances Player FM’s content offering for listeners and enables them to discover and support new and unique podcasts,” said Michael Ritter, CEO of Maple Media, the mobile media and technology company behind Player FM.
Player FM continues to grow by adding new shows daily and enabling effortless mobile and cross-platform listening experiences.
“As the podcasting medium continues to flourish, strategic partnerships — like that of Player FM and Podomatic — will become more valuable in the effort to enrich the experience for both creators and listeners, while contributing to the overall growth of the podcasting ecosystem,” said Ritter.
The Podomatic integration is the latest of several major partnerships and podcast business acquisitions made by Maple Media. Last month, Maple Media also announced it had acquired Breaker, a social podcast app.