Dielectric promotes Savage to VP marketing and business services
May is just around the corner, so mark your calendar for these weekly Transmission Talk Tuesday discussions. Nautel‘s Transmission Talk Tuesday is an online round table series hosted by Jeff Welton. Each week he gathers special guests to discuss a range of topics related to radio transmission. Attendees are encouraged to actively participate with questions and comments.
The sessions qualify for 1/2 SBE re-certification credit.
Register here.
Upcoming topics:
May 4 at 12 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CET)
With guest: Alex Hartman, Nautel Support technician and principal of Optimized Media Group technical services.
Jeff and Alex will recap the things to look for to help you get through lightning season. They will discuss how much grounding is too much and why/how the grounds are connected to each other is almost as important as if there are grounds at all. They will also talk about properly installed surge protection and ferrites.
May 11 at 12 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CET)
The Great Site Maintenance Pause
With guest: Josh Bohn, president of Bohn Broadcast Services and MaxxKonnect wireless.
2020 brought a lot of changes, including a mad dash to get folks equipped to work from home, essentially turning every day into a series of remote broadcasts. Jeff and Josh will review how this has resulted in a significant downturn in routine maintenance and what things should be done on a regular basis to keep emergencies to a minimum. They will talk about contract engineering as a preventative service, rather than a reactionary one.
May 18 at 12 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. CET)
With guest: Chris Tarr, CPBE, Director of Engineering, Magnum Media and chair of the SBE Mentorship program.
Broadcast engineers are essential to radio stations, and many of them are of the age to be looking at retirement. It’s important train the next generation; to show them how to do the job safely and efficiently. Jeff and Chris will discuss the best ways to pass the torch to younger folks so that the next generation has the ability to carry the industry to where the future may take it. They will also talk about the SBE mentorship program and how it’s taken a leadership role in this task.