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German broadcast equipment manufacturer DHD Audio plans to reveal a new core processor for its digital consoles at IBC2023, which takes place next month.
The single-RU XS3 can power up to 20 stereo fader channels. Additional features include a dedicated IPx Dante/AES67 port; separate Dante network port; eight APC ports for control surface and I/O modules; a MADI SFP port; and 16 x 16 USB audio interface. There’s also redundant power input. Many of the connections come via DHD’s APC — integrated audio, power and control cables. There is an optional 16×16 AES67 interface available.
Like many “engines” and “cores,” DHD’s cores provide for console inputs and outputs along with internal routing and audio processing.
DHD adds this interesting nugget: “The XS3 will form the basis for the reintroduction of complete mixer bundles which have proved very popular with DHD customers over the years. These will be introduced for the SX2, DX2, and TX2 models with planned delivery at the end of Q4 2023.”