As IP increasingly becomes central to radio operations, a rack packed with IP codecs is a common feature in stations.
There is an alternative. For radio stations that need multiple IP codecs, Comrex has created Access MultiRack. It is equivalent to five full-duplex stereo codecs, all in one sleek 1 RU chassis.
When it comes to studio integration, MultiRack is compatible with all major AoIP systems. It is equipped with CrossLock VPN Technology and can utilize a variety of IP networks. It is frequently used in redundancy mode with dual-wired Internet connections to ensure continuous audio transmission from the studio to either the transmitter or other stations. CrossLock also includes reliability tools including congestion detection, forward error correction and deadline-sensitive retransmission.
Access MultiRack works with all Comrex IP audio codecs from the Access and Bric-Link lines in addition to the Comrex FieldTap smartphone app, which is free and available for both Android and iOS. Furthermore, MultiRack unit users have access to the Comrex Switchboard Traversal Server, allowing easy connections between Comrex codecs over the Internet.