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On the 100th birthday of Australian commercial radio, industry body Commercial Radio & Audio has paid tribute to all those in the industry, past and present, and the listeners, who together have ensured radio remains a much-loved, enduring part of the everyday Australian experience. Ford Ennals, CRA CEO, congratulated the Australian radio industry on 100 years of laughs, connection, entertainment, music, news, and community.
“Radio is the most innovative and immediate media in Australia, which has continually grown and evolved to suit the needs of its audience,” Ennals said. “You could call radio the original influencer. A hundred years ago, listeners had to buy a set locked to a single station. A century on, you can listen to radio in your car, phone, digital radio, or smart speaker. More than ever, commercial radio is part of the everyday Australian experience.”
Australia’s Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland, paid tribute to commercial radio’s longevity and growth. “Over the century — through war, drought and flood, and profound changes in society, shifts in the economy and a transformation in technology — radio has stood the test of time and continues to punch above its weight when it comes to contributing to the diversity of voices and local stories in our media sector,” Rowland said.
On the future and the next 100 years of commercial radio, Ennals said, “As long as we have stories to share and people have ears, there will be radio. Its form and means of distribution may change, but radio’s place in people’s lives will remain as central as ever. For 100 years, commercial radio has made an invaluable contribution to Australia’s culture, sense of community and economy, and the best is yet to come.”
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