World Radio Alliance releases latest global data on radio’s dominance

Radioplayer has announced that it’s expanding to France, Sweden and the Netherlands. The new partnerships bring the total number of Radioplayer countries to 14.
Radioplayer says France is an important automotive market, accounting for 14% of all European car sales. More than a quarter of European car production is from two big French French companies — Renault and PSA (Peugeot/Citroen).
The “RadioPlayer France” collaboration will join the new and existing broadcasters in Radioplayer and according to the company will “ensure the international radio sector can speak to all car manufacturers with one voice, to keep radio strong in the dashboards.”
Hybrid Radio
All three new Radioplayer countries will add their metadata (station information, logos, streams, podcasts, etc.) to the international Radioplayer data feed, which powers hybrid radio interfaces in many cars cars, including Audis and VWs.
“These smart devices can switch automatically between DAB+, FM, and streaming, to keep listeners locked in to their favorite radio programs,” the company said. “Almost a million cars are already driving around Europe with radios powered by metadata from Radioplayer stations.”
Radioplayer Netherlands, launching today, will operate as a partnership between public service broadcast NPO and the Dutch national commercial broadcasters, representing more than 80% of radio listening in the country.
Radioplayer Sweden is backed by a consortium made up of the three major broadcast groups. These are public broadcaster Sveriges Radio and private players Bauer and Nent. Together they account for at least 90% of listening in Sweden. It will launch in 2021.
European Partnerships
Radioplayer France is also set to launch next year and consists of a consortium of six groups. They comprise public service broadcaster Radio France, Les Indés Radios, M6/RTL, Lagardère, NRJ, and NextRadioTV. Together they represent more than 90% of listening in France.
“The U.K. may be leaving one European partnership, but Radioplayer is forging strong links across the continent to help build an international future for radio,” said Michael Hill, Radioplayer managing director. “I am very proud to welcome France, Sweden and the Netherlands to the Radioplayer family. There are enormous challenges and opportunities for the radio sector right now, and it’s critical that we all work together to keep radio strong in the car, in the home and in the future.”
Christer Modig, V.P. radio at NENT added: “In the digital conversion of audio, its crucial that radio keeps its place in the dashboard. As every car manufacturer is mindful about the dashboard experience in their vehicles, Radioplayer gives the possibility to integrate Swedish channels independently, further improving their products.”