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Engineering is for everyone. So says Radio TechCon, a radio and audio event in the United Kingdom that takes place Monday, Nov. 28 at IET London. While full price tickets cost £175 + VAT, Radio TechCon has announced two bursary schemes to assist delegates with the cost of attending.
The Organization Bursary sees free tickets provided to the Community Media Association, the Student Radio Association and Sound Women Network, for distribution to their members.
The Individual Bursary is a free ticket scheme open to anyone facing a barrier to attending the event. This could be because of financial constraints, or due to being from a group underrepresented in broadcast engineering. Applicants for the individual bursary will also be able to apply for assistance with travel and accommodation, thanks to Lead Travel Fund sponsors Cleanfeed, and winners of bursaries from either scheme will be offered a year’s free membership of The Radio Academy.
Radio TechCon says 20 bursary places will be available in total across the two schemes which applications assessed by a panel of industry experts.
“Broadcast engineering is the best part of the radio industry, and we want to make sure everyone who wishes to attend Radio TechCon has the opportunity,” says Aradhna Tayal, from organisers TBC Media.
“We work really hard to make sure Radio TechCon is as fun and inclusive as possible, and we’re really proud that once again around 10% of our audience will be there on an assisted place. Many thanks to our bursary sponsors, Ann Charles Media, Brun Audio Consulting, Bauer, CGI, Clockhouse Media, The Radio Academy, Wireless and an anonymous donor, for making this happen,” she added.
Applications for the Individual Bursary scheme are open until 23:59 on Sunday, Nov. 6. Details of how to apply can be found here.
The organization has also announced additional sessions.
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