Radio Botswana upgrades with Calrec’s IP-native Type R mixing system
Sometimes, technological innovation trickles into our timeframe, and sometimes, it erupts. When it’s a trickle, we go along with the flow and change accordingly; when it erupts, we must adapt quickly. The Innovators 2024 are part of the corps driving significant technological change — part flow, part eruption.
We can’t ignore the robot in the room; yes, AI is a common theme throughout. But is AI the only thing on every audio engineers mind? We also ask leaders within our sector what largely uncharted or overlooked area of technology is ripe for inventive exploration. Expect some unexpected answers.
When compiling this edition, we noticed that no matter where the innovators in this issue call home or what their particular technology focus is, their ultimate concern is the same: A flourishing future for radio and digital audio. We found that exciting and encouraging.
Broadcast radio and audio are having what seems a technological multiple-eruption moment, and the horizon may seem a little daunting. The innovators in this special edition have the confidence, experience and insight to lead us forward.
Also, we’ve included a map showing RedTech’s worldwide reach. We set out to be the global connector for the broadcast radio and digital audio technology sector, and we’re flowing into new regions, too.
Feel free to contact us with any ideas of where you see innovation happening or needed. You or your ideas could be in the next issue.
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