Marketron updates ROI Calculator

Marketron has updated its ROI Calculator it introduced last year. The free tool enables media sellers to forecast radio over-the-air and third-party digital revenue. The resource also allows users to benchmark their digital ad revenue against small-, mid- and large-size markets. 

The updates include projected growth rates for 2023, 2024 and 2025, sourcing data from BIA Advisory Services, the Borrell-RAB digital benchmarking report for radio, eMarketer and Pew Research, as well as refreshed benchmarking data. The calculator also has a new segment for local TV OTA revenue. 

The ROI Calculator works for any size company by plugging in their 2022 revenue numbers. Those not currently selling third-party digital can enter a baseline number provided. The page offers graphs for these numbers, and users can download a PDF of the entire page. 

The calculator is available for use here.  

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