Kenya’s Classic105 goes clear with Lawo

Kenya’s Classic105 streaming radio station, part of the Nairobi-based Radio Africa Group, has installed a Lawo crystalCLEAR mixing setup in its studios. This is the second touch-based virtual radio technology installation for the group as part of its plans to transition to modern IP production infrastructure.

The group has a portfolio of radio and television stations, websites and print newspapers.

Main Kageni in the studio during the morning show.

The crystalCLEAR mixing solution employs VisTool Virtual Radio Studio Builder software for fingertip touchscreen mixing. The graphical “virtual mixer” interface controls a compact 1RU mixing engine with AoIP audio interfaces and DSP audio processing. 

BYCE Broadcast installed the touchscreen-operated 12-fader radio console, working closely with Classic105 and Lawo to meet the customer’s specific requirements.

Afternoon drive host Mike Mondo at the desk.

“We are happy with Lawo virtual consoles,” says Philip Keter, Radio Africa Group’s Technical Manager. “We have had Kiss100 FM using Lawo RƎLAY mixing for more than a year now, and we have not experienced any downtime. We are even more excited about crystalCLEAR; the presenters love its robustness, flexibility, and agility. It is not only easy to operate but actually helps enhance creativity!”

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