Africa Radio mobilizes against AIDS

Paris-based Africa Radio reports that it remains faithful to its long-standing commitment to fighting discrimination. For World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, the station has designed a series of sketches in partnership with Santé Publique France, highlighting the considerable progress in caring for people with HIV.

The radio station has also produced two testimonial films it will broadcast via its Facebook page. One features 30 years-old André, who has been living with HIV for eight years. Thanks to treatment, she has started a family and is raising three healthy children with her husband. The other film features Gustave, who is 65 and has been living with HIV for 24 years on a single pill daily. He is a regular HIV prevention worker. These two portraits will also be available in a series of podcasts entitled: “Living with HIV is living first.”

Africa Radio has also produced a series of photo novels in partnership with the association Vers Paris Sans Sida.

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